Nurse Clinics

Run by qualified, friendly & experienced veterinary nurses

As well as providing vital assistance to our Veterinary Surgeons, our nurses are qualified to run their own nurse clinics, offering a range of services. Many of these clinics are free or offered at a reduced price.

We have an excellent team of dedicated, caring Veterinary Nurses. Our nurses carry out a variety of nursing clinics.


Appointments can be booked with a nurse for the following:


  • Claw Clipping
  • Stitch removal/Post-operative checks
  • Microchipping
  • Express of Anal Glands
  • Developmental checks for puppies and kittens
  • Post neutering check-ups
  • Confidence Clinics
A day in the life of a veterinary nurse

Introducing our new more complex, involved Medical Nursing Clinics.......

To expand further on our Veterinary Nurse Services, we would like to introduce our more in depth and involved Medical Nursing Clinics

There are some medical nurse clinics that do lend themselves to a more formulaic structure and client support; diabetic clinics for example being one of these. A clinical protocol, developed through discussion with the clinical team, and including issues such as what needs to be included in these clinics can easily be achieved.


Another example is a medical clinic for a cat diagnosed with urinary tract issues – which can be more problematic, due to the wide nature of environmental aspects that influence the cat, behavioural aspects, alongside medications, diet and water intake.


These clinics are aimed at giving support and guidance to owners with a either a recent diagnosis of a specific medical condition and also the introduction of long-term management. These clinics prove also extremely beneficial for previously diagnosed patients to ensure they are fully supported as their medical condition changes.

  • Weight Management
  • Mobility Matters Club
  • Nurse Demonstrations
  • Senior Wellness Cat Clinics
  • Senior Wellness Dog Clinic
  • Rabbit Wellness Clinic
  • Renal Clinics
  • Mouths Matter Club (Dental Care and Hygiene)
  • Other nurse clinics available

Weight Management

Weight Management Clinics/Slimmer's Club

Keeping pets healthy is our aim and one way we help you is by offering our Slimmer's Club. From our Slimmer's club to general nutritional advice for all life stages, these are run by our highly skilled nursing team.

As with managing our weight for our own health, there are many benefits to managing your pet’s weight too. Maintaining an ideal weight helps with keeping joints healthy and reduces the risks of associated diseases such as diabetes mellitus.

Sadly, for many reasons, weight gain amongst pets is common and is probably the biggest welfare issue that we face in this country with our pets. You can come to our nurse clinics either to help you keep your pet at an optimum weight, or, if your pet is already overweight, we can help you with managing a safe and controlled weight loss.

Pet weight gain after neutering

Certain factors will increase the risk of weight gain in your pet and neutering is one such factor. A change in hormone balances following neutering changes your pet’s metabolism, which makes them more prone to weight gain. Our nurses will advise you on reducing the portion of food your pet receives after neutering, along with giving you other tips.

Pet exercise factors

Seasonal risks are the same with pets as they are with us. During the longer days and nicer weather, we are out and about more and this often includes extra walks with our dogs. Cats also tend to spend more time outside during this time of year but the dark, wet and cold nights are not so inviting, leading to reduced exercise for all of us. If you would like to talk to our qualified and understanding nurses about how manage your pet’s exercise and weight around the year, our weight management nurse are here for you.

What will the nutrition nurse do in your pet’s weight management clinic?

The initial consultation will involve the preparation of a weight management plan during a hands-on consultation.  It can be helpful to bring the details of your pet’s normal diet, and/or a food diary to discuss with the nurse. we will then get an up to date weight for your pet and use body condition scoring to determine if they are overweight and if they are, by how much. This type of scoring is used to help identify and keep track of weight issues and losses.  It is one of the first steps in a weight management programme.  At your pets clinic, we can show you how your pet’s body condition is scored, and also what you should look for as your pet’s body reaches optimal condition.

Body measurements are taken and recorded throughout you pets weight loss programme.

The nurse will talk to you about their routine and give you tips on how you can help increase their exercise while at the same time, possibly recommending a change of diet to help facilitate a safe, controlled weight loss program by introducing a tailored exercise plan.

Changing diets is not always required so this will be discussed on an individual basis. If a special weight loss diet is advised, we will usually recommend a suitable calorie reducing diet to suit your pet’s needs.

Help and support when choosing suitable treats and ideas to alternatives to the common treats.

Follow up consultations are recommended every 2-4 weeks depending on your pet’s individual weight loss plan.

Select the icons below to see our weight loss diet of choice.
Purina Weight Loss Diet & Body Condition Scores

The nurse will continue to monitor your pet and we will keep a record of their progress until they reach their target weight. We may also ask to take a photo to share in our weight watcher displays and to be put forward for our “Slimmer of the Month”

It is important to remember that Obesity has to be viewed as one of the many diseases that can be prevented, rather than having to be dealt with at the treatment stage of a disease.

Weight management clinics can make the difference between a successful weight loss programme and an unsuccessful one.

To find out more, read a testimony from one of our weight loss patients here

Joining our Slimmer's Club

So, if your pet’s weight has ever been mentioned to you or you have noticed a change in your pets weight or body shape, one our weight management nurses are here to help. Please complete our form below and our Clinic Co-ordinator will be in touch.

Pet Slimmer Form

Pet Slimmer Form

Mobility Matters Club

Mobility Clinics

Does your pet suffer from joint pain?

We offer Mobility Clinics at the practice to help you and your pet cope with the problems osteoarthritis and aging can cause. The Mobility Club comprises of a full veterinary assessment initially to discuss or confirm the starting of possible joint and mobility issues. Your pet will then be referred over to one of our dedicated, experienced nurses to continue mobility management

The nurse-let mobility clinics at Stamford Veterinary Centre are for cats and dogs that suffer with their mobility, be it through growing old or medical issues.

Nutrition and weight loss play an important role in managing joint problems. Diets are also available which can aid in managing the signs of osteoarthritis and contain cartilage building blocks to help repair the cartilage and prevent further damage caused by the aging process.

During these clinics we can offer:

  • Advice and recommendations to the correct diet for your pet whether that be a life stage diet or diets containing joint support to ensure joint support through nutrition. To support weight control if needed
  • Information and support on high quality Mobility Supplementations
  • Tailored exercise plan to suit your pets needs
  • Tips and resources to aid in environmental adaptations for the mobility restricted patient
  • Safe outlet for clients to ask questions and raise concerns in a secure, knowledgeable environment
  • Care planner for the medical condition
  • Supporting your pet with their mobility management as their condition’s changes

The nurses will do whatever they can to help your pet lead a more comfortable and happy existence. Providing ongoing support and assistance surrounding the diagnosis of mobility issues.

To find out more, read a testimony from one of our mobility matters patients, here

Close monitoring through pain scoring, assessing Body and Muscle Conditioning of your pet’s mobility with your veterinary nurse and veterinary surgeon may also allow a reduction in their dose of NSAID’s, which will be beneficial to both you and your pet.

Joining our Mobility Matter's Club

If you think your pet would benefit from joining our club, please complete our enquiry form below and our Clinic Co-ordinator will be in touch.

Mobility Form

Mobility Form

Nurse Demonstrations

Our team of veterinary nurses are happy to carry out FREE of charge demonstrations on the following procedures:

  • Dental Care - How to brush your pets teeth and what products to use
  • Clipping/filing claws
  • Cleaning your pet's ears (maintaing a healthy ear canal)
  • Choosing the correct grooming tools/products
  • How to administer medication
  • How to carry out a basic health check at home

Senior Wellness Cat Clinics

Did you know that cats are considered ‘mature’ at the ages of 7-10 years, ‘senior’ at 11-15 years, and ‘geriatric’ at 15+ years?

You may notice your cat is showing signs of ageing, including being less active and sleeping for longer periods of the day.  They might also be less inclined to jump, climb and groom themselves. Older cats can be more prone to weight gain due to a decrease in activity, although some ageing cats lose weight instead.  

These changes can simply be down to your cat having less energy than before; however, they should not be ignored.  As a semi-domesticated species, it is not normally in a cat’s nature to show pain or weakness, so any changes to their normal routine or demeanour could be an indication of an underlying health problem, and should always be discussed with a vet or vet nurse.

Older cats can suffer from a range of issues such as arthritis, obesity, vision and hearing problems as well as dementia.  In addition, some diseases are more commonly seen in older cats e.g. diabetes, cancer, kidney or liver disease, and thyroid abnormalities.  Dental issues such as feline tooth resorption or gum disease are also more prevalent as cats age.

 Our Senior Cat Clinics include:

  • a full clinical exam
  • weight check
  • Body Condition Scoring & Muscle Condition Scoring assessed and recorded
  • urinalysis
  •  blood pressure measurement
  • Mobility changes and exercise tolerance
  • Toileting changes
  • Support & Guidance on Joint & Mobility supplementation
  • Information on senior cat diets
  • Ideas to help adapt the home environment to support your pet through the senior year

Prior to your Senior cat clinic, we will send out a senior questionnaire which includes information on their mobility tolerances

Our Senior Wellness Cat clinics incorporate checks & discussions surrounding age related medical issues as well as changes in joints & mobility to ensure your feline friends get the care they need in their later years.

If you feel your cat would benefit from our Senior wellness clinics, please complete the online form below and the Nurse Clinic Co-ordinator will be in touch and send out our Senior Pet Questionnaire. 

Senior Cat Wellness Form

Senior Wellness Dog Clinic

As our pets get older, their bodies start to slow down and subtle changes can occur. Whilst our pets age faster than us, they do experience many similar body changes.

The clinic is designed to help you identify and understand age related changes, ailments and illnesses in your pet. By examining your pet more frequently, not only can we detect any changes early, but we can also offer advice including nutritional advice, help with maintaining comfortable mobility, support and treatment where necessary.

Prior to your appointment you will receive a senior pet questionnaire to complete and bring along. This will help highlight any problem areas to discuss during the health check.
At the Senior Clinic a thorough medical & behavioural history will be taken and the questionnaire discussed, followed by a detailed examination. A free urine test will also be performed and we offer a discounted blood pressure monitoring and blood sample checks if required. Taking all these findings into account, the nurse will then discuss any appropriate follow up care, which may sometimes require a follow up appointment with one of our Veterinary Surgeons.

During the senior clinic, our nurses will….

  • Ensure your pet is comfortable in the room, keeping them on the floor and using a comfy bed etc. if required.
  • Begin Discussing the questionnaire.
  • Key areas to be discussed include Nutrition, Mobility, behavioural changes & early signs of age-related medical conditions. To include toileting changes.
  • Carry out thorough clinical examination of your pet.
  • Body Condition Scoring & Muscle Condition Scoring to be carried out & recorded.
  • Obtain Urine sample from pet if not already provided by client.
  • Offer support & guidance on exercise levels and activities
  • Give advice on alternate therapies to help mobility in your senior friend. For example, Physiotherapy or Acupuncture
  • Encourage and educate the use of joint supplements or used in dietary form (senior specific diet)

Our dedicated clinic nurses would love to offer a gold standard of care to your pets as they are moving through their senior years and aiding to help to optimise your ‘pet’s quality of life’.

If you feel your dog would benefit from our Senior wellness clinics, please complete the online form below and the Nurse Clinic Co-ordinator will be in touch and send out our Senior Pet Questionnaire.

Senior Dog Wellness Form

Rabbit Wellness Clinic

Senior Rabbits and Arthritis 

Rabbits have a life expectancy of 10-12 years, and are considered in their retirement years once they are 7.

Unfortunately, as they get older, they are prone to developing arthritis.

Arthritis is common in older rabbits and mostly seen in their spine, knees and hips. This impacts their ability to move around, as well as groom and toilet properly, which all takes a toll on their quality of life.

What are the signs?

Rabbits, being prey animals, will try their best to hide any signs of vulnerability until they can’t hide it any longer, which means they are often feeling worse than we assume.

Rabbits in pain could show the following signs: 

  • Reduced activity 
  • Altered mobility, or ability to climb or move around as well as they could before 
  • Weight loss and reduced appetite 
  • Altered temperament, are they grumpier, or quieter than normal? 
  • Drinking more than normal 
  • Changes in toileting – are they passing urine as frequently? Are there faecal pellets stuck to their back end?  
  • Not Grooming – Are their ears dirty? Fur unkempt? 
  • You may even notice their joints seem swollen.

Rabbits can also experience gut stasis if they have stopped eating entirely. This is an emergency and must be seen urgently by a vet that day.

What can I do to help?

Our first port of call should be to get your rabbit checked over by a vet. We can check there aren’t any other underlying conditions, and the vet can prescribe pain relief which can improve your rabbit’s quality of life. 

Arthritis will be a lifelong condition, and cannot be cured, so medication will need to be given long term, if you find it works well. 

The home environment can be adapted for arthritic rabbits.  

For indoor rabbits – ensure slippery floors are covered with rugs to allow for safe movement.

In hutches, ramps should be long and shallow, or ideally all on one level.

Ensure food is easily reachable, try raising it so your rabbit doesn’t have to bend down.

Careful handling to reduce the strain on your rabbit’s spine. Always support their back end when lifting.

Diet management – being overweight puts more pressure on joints. Ensure your rabbit is maintaining a healthy weight.

A senior rabbit diet such as Excel 5+ also contains joint support to give a helping hand.

Joint supplements such as Oxbow joint support can be used long term to lubricate joints and slow down signs of arthritis. These need to be given daily and you might see some signs of improvement after 6 weeks.

What should I look out for? 

A sore back can make it painful for rabbits to urinate – if they are unable to urinate frequently they can develop bladder stones.

If your rabbit cannot groom properly, faeces can be stuck to the back end, this can encourage flies to lay eggs on them, leading to fly strike especially in the summer. Keep your rabbit clean and use Rearguard every summer to prevent fly strike.

Sore back feet – rabbits can develop hair loss and sores on their back feet as they are holding their weight differently and not moving as often. 

Please book in to see a vet if your rabbit is displaying any signs of illness.

If you are interested in a Bunny Wellness clinic, please complete our online form.

Rabbit Wellness Form

Rabbit Care Pack

Renal Clinics

Renal Clinics

Renal insufficiency is commonly seen in all veterinary practices in companion animals. Veterinary nurses play a vital role in aiding clients in improving the wellbeing of their pet in the management of the disease. Veterinary nurses can contribute by supporting in owner compliance, nutritional advice and aiding in improving quality of life for the pet.

If you have noticed any of these signs in your pets, it may be beneficial to contact the practice and book a health check. If a renal deficiency is diagnosed then the vets with the assistance of the renal nurse tailor an individual treatment plan.

Symptoms include:

  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urination
  • Periodic vomiting
  • Picky appetite
  • Dehydration
  • Poor coat and general health
  • Ulceration of the mouth and gums
  • Bad breath
  • Anaemia

The Aim of the Renal Nurse Clinic

  • Formulate a tailored care plan for your pet, following a diagnosis
  • Educate & Assist owners with the management of care
  • Help reduce accumulation of nitrogenous waste by minimising protein precursors of urea & creatinine identified in Blood & Urine
  • Correct fluid balance & electrolyte balance
  • Ensure correct nutrition & calories consumed, by the support of a Specific Renal Diet
  • Renal Suppliementation
  • Help compliance with medication
  • Record & Control Blood Pressure
  • Repeat diagnostic tests as per instruction by the case vet
  • To provide adequate calories to prevent malnutrition and maintain their Body Condition Score
  • To provide support to the owner during the later stages of the disease

AT EACH CLINIC: Our nurses will

  • Gather history from the owners with regards to food & water being consumed, general behaviour and demeanour
  • Check on medication compliance (when started on meds)
  • Ensure correct nutrition. This can be achieved be assessing their current diet or may need transitioning onto a prescription Renal diet
  • Assess & record – Patients Weight (Body Condition Scoring & Muscle Condition Scoring) Muscle condition scores are important as the patient will start to lose lean muscle mass as it can become cachexic if anorexic
  • Check hydration – Owner demonstrations for home monitoring. Hydration levels is also important as the patient will start to become dehydrated as its urine concentration ability becomes diminished
  • Urine concentration should be routinely measured using refractometer
  • Record Blood Pressure Measurements
  • Further diagnostic tests as per instructed by the vet in charge of your pets care
  • Tailoring a care plan, alongside the case vet
  • Setting out follow on appointment
  • Help & support when looking at nutritional support of your pet undergoing Renal treatment
  • Education on suitable renal supplementation

Select one of the icons for advice about understanding your pet's kidney condition

Joining the Renal Clinics

If your pet has either recently or previously been diagnosed with Renal issues and you would like to sign up to our Renal Clinics. Please click on the link for further information and to fill out our online registration forms and our Clinic Co-ordinator will be in touch.

Renal Clinics Form

Renal Clinics Form

Mouths Matter Club (Dental Care and Hygiene)

Dental hygiene is very important for animals as well as for humans. Seventy percent of dogs and cats have some form of dental disease which, if left untreated, can lead to disease of the heart, liver and kidneys in addition to causing pain to your pet.

Symptoms of dental disease:

  • Eating difficulty
  • Eating behavior change 
  • Smelly breath
  • Pawing face
  • Drooling
  • Less social
  • Aggression
  • Lethargy
  • Less Social

What can I do to improve the condition of my pet's teeth?

There are many ways to look after your pet's teeth. The best way is to brush their teeth, ideally this should be done once a day. Some animals won't allow us to brush their teeth but thankfully there have been new developments in the past few years with special dental diets proving to clean the teeth while they eat and other treatments including toys, dental chews and oral hygiene gels have also been proven to help keep teeth and gums healthy.

If you think your pet may be showing signs of dental disease, why not book an appointment with one of our qualified nurses and they will develop a dental care plan for your pet that suits them and your lifestyle.

Read this handy tooth brushing guide

Other nurse clinics available

  • Nail Clipping
  • Dressings/Bandage changes
  • Microchipping
  • Clinical Monitoring Consultations

These procedures/consultations will incur a small fee.

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